The Bishop Beveridge Club started over 65 years ago (as of 2018). In July 1952 the formation of a “Darby and Joan” Club was proposed and following various meetings the club was formally opened on 1 October as “The Bishop Beveridge Club”, the name having been chosen in memory of the man who was born in Barrow in 1636 and who later became the Bishop of St Asaph in North Wales. (ref)

In the early 1960s the opportunity arose for the club to purchase the freehold of the building and conveyance was completed in 1965. Trustees were appointed and a formal club constitution was drawn up.

The official opening of the Clubroom took place on Saturday, September 11th 1965 by Dr. G.H. Gibson (County Medical Officer of Health). After the re-opening of “The Club” it was then decided to hold afternoon meetings on Tuesdays as well as Wednesdays and also to reduce the age of membership to 60 years.

The club was then registered with the Charity Commission as Charity No. 244408 – click here to go to the Charity Commission website for details held on the club:

A number of different services have been provided at the club throughout the years, some no longer exist. The Chiropody service started in 1965 is now held at the Health Centre, the Welfare Food Service started in 1967 handing out Horlicks to the needy is no longer in existence, Handicraft sessions are no longer held, although if anyone is interested, this could re-start again. Holidays are no longer arranged. The Luncheon Club started in 1967 for people over 60 years who live by themselves. This service is still provided today and much enjoyed by the members. More volunteer cooks/helpers would be much appreciated. Coffee Mornings were started in 1967, also Whist Drives, both of which are still being well attended to this day. Film Shows, Bingo, Keep Fit, a Harvest Festival and Sale, Carol Service, Birthday Party and Outings were all started many many years ago and are still enjoyed by our members in 1999. During this time there has been a Visiting Service and Comforts Fund which provides kindness in times of illness and bereavement. All the above services have been run by volunteers throughout the years and that indeed remains today.
Over the years there have been several chairmen of the club and numerous individuals have served on the executive committee many as officers (vice-chair, treasurer and secretary). Complete records are not available to hand but some of the chairmen were Tina Long, Sylvia Steane and currently Joyce Noon.

When the club purchased the building it was necessary to appoint several trustees in accordance with the constitution; these trustees were responsible for the property. Many persons have acted in this role and the club is grateful to all of these who have allowed it to continue and flourish for such a long time. However, with various changes in charity law over time in 2017 it was established that such “holding” trustees were no longer appropriate for the club and it was agreed by the executive committee to incorporate these roles in to the executive management committee which, in fact, under present UK charity law are all charity trustees. At the same time it was agreed to appoint the Charity Commission as Official Custodian of the Club premises. In 2009 the ownership of the property had been registered with the Land Registry in the names of the then existing holding trustees. From 2017 this registration is in the name of the Official Custodian which means that the Land Registry do not need to be informed of changes in trustees.

Further improvements and extensions to the buildings have taken place over the years, the most recent being the extensions and refurbishment to the kitchen in 2017/8.
The club is proud of the fact that it is the only such club in the Borough of Charnwood to own its own premises. This is due to the foresight of the original Officers and Committee, to whom we owe a debt of gratitude.

“The Club” has gone from strength to strength through the years, long may it continue.

Some notable dates in the club’s history:
• 1952 The club was initially formed under the chairmanship of Captain C E Huston
• 1963 First trustees of the Bishop Beveridge Club were appointed
• 1964 New kitchen, cloakroom, ante-rooms, doors, windows and exits built
• 1965 The club purchased the building; official opening of the club 11 September 1965; club constitution formally adopted
• 1965 Club registered with the Charity Commission in England as charity No. 244408
• ???? Tina Long chairman
• 1998 Extension and refurbishment of kitchen
• 2009 Sylvia Steane elected chairman
• 2009 Registered with the Land Registry
• 2014 Joyce Noon elected chairman
• 2017 Charity Commission appointed as Official Custodian of the building; holding trustees no longer required.
• 2017 Kitchen again refurbished – new cookers, boiler, retiling
• 2020 New LED lights fitted in main hall; wooden floor sanded and re-sealed; flowering cherry tree from front of building removed.