The club currently has over 170 members who pay an annual subscription of £7. This entitles them to use all the facilities at the club and take part in activities arranged by the club. Membership is only for those living in the village or surrounding area who are over sixty years of age. The annual subscription is usually paid in cash at the yearly birthday party held in October; each member is given a membership card.

We have recently introduced a more detailed form for members to complete/update when they join/renew their subscription. Click here for a membership form that you can download and fill in. We ask members for their dates of birth and marriage dates so that the club can mark notable birthdays and anniversaries that is 80, 90 and 100th birthdays and 50, 60 and more wedding anniversaries. We are cognisant of the Data Protection Act and will under no circumstance pass the information on to third parties.

The club elects a membership officer who currently is John Fletcher.
If you are interested in becoming a member please contact John or come along to any club meeting or event and introduce yourself to a member.

Weekly Club activities for members include:

Monday – Film show on the third Monday of the month – Day Trips usually on the second Monday of the month
Tuesday (pm) –  Singing for Fun 11.45 to 1pm: Games Afternoon including Scrabble and cards
Wednesday –  Various entertainments e.g. Bingo, Afternoon Tea, Guest Speakers
Thursday (am) – Coffee Morning 10.00 to 11.15 – everyone welcome.
Friday – Singles’ Lunch on the 3rd Friday, for singles over 60 who live in the village – non-members welcome. Lifts available.