The Club produces a quarterly (usually in December, March, June, September) Newsletter which is produced and edited by John Fletcher.     Our current Newsletter is for June 2024 and can be viewed by clicking on the following link:Sep Newsletter without film titles the next Newsletter will be available in December.

The club’s activities continue apace with our weekly game’s afternoons on Tuesdays and Thursday morning coffee sessions.  Our monthly films are proving popular and now that we are running the film shows ourselves it means we are gradually building up a library of DVDs which members can borrow.  In September we will be showing an additional film on Monday 30th, this will be a  Golden Oldie – please do support this as otherwise we may discontinue with the old films as they have not been as well attended as our regular showings of recent films.

Although Joyce has retired as chairman, she continues to be active and is arranging a series of interesting talks usually on the fourth or fifth Wednesday afternoon of each month.   In July we had another fascinating talk when retired Bishop Peter Fox spoke about magic with playing cards and  showed us some incredible card tricks.  Then inAugust four members from the Barrow Heritage Group gave us an illustrated account describing howpeoplefrom thevillage spenttheir leisure time before the days of radioandtelevision.  Looking forward we have talks planned for September, October and November – thanks to Joyce for organising these – please do support them if you can.

Monthly bingo and Singles lunches continue – these are held on Wednesday afternoon and Friday lunch time respectively once a month – see the Newsletter or events page for details of exactly when.  

Monthly coach outings are being organised by Sylvia Steane and Jenny Cox – the August coach outing was to Llandudno, quite a long journey but was enjoyed by those who went.  The September coach outing is to the David Austin Rose gardens in Shropshire and then in October we head to Meadowhall where no doubt Christmas shopping will be on the agenda!! 

Unfortunately we had to cancel the boat trip in August because the Mosaic boat sustained some damage in an accident and was out of action. We hope to be able to run the trip soon.

Looking forward we have a busy time ahead with our Harvest Celebration on 11 September, Autumn Sale on 28 September and, as mentioned earlier, a Golden Oldie film on 30 September – these are in addition to the regular activities.  The Autumn Sale at the end of September is to raise funds for the club and it will include a clothing swap, something which we tried out last year.  There will be no bric-a-brac but most of the other usual stalls will be there including the sale of our renowned bacon butties for a late breakfast.

In early October we are holding our birthday teas – plural because this year we are splitting our birthday celebration into two similar sessions because of the numbers attending – see the posters for details of these and please sign up for one of them if you wish to attend.  This is the traditional time for renewing annual subs which this year will be £7.