The Bishop Beveridge Club is managed by an executive management committee elected annually in accordance with the written constitution of the club. There are currently six officers and ten committee members. As the club is a registered charity under charity law all members of the executive committee are management trustees with a responsibility to ensure that the club is managed in accordance with the constitution. All such trustees are elected annually at the club’s AGM held usually in November.
Ginnie Willcocks.
Ginnie was elected chairman at the AGM in November 2022.
Vice Chairman:
John Fletcher.
John was elected Vice-chairman at the November 2022 AGM. He will continue to be membership secretary.
Sue Graham.
Sue became treasurer of the club in 2012.
Mike Neale
Mike took over as secretary in 2009.
Membership Secretary:
John Fletcher
The position of membership secretary was established at the AGM in 2017 when John was elected to the position
Welfare Officer:
Honor Neale
Honor has been the club welfare officer for several years now
The members of the committee are Val Gillings, Di Cave, Richard Hudson, Val Carlin, Peter Cantle, Andrew Webster, Angie Sharpe, Jenny Cox and Helen Slack.